Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router With SpeedBooster WRT54G
The Wireless-G Broadband Router with SpeedBooster is really three devices in one box. First, there’s the Wireless Access Point, which lets you connect Wireless-G, Wireless-B, and other performance-enhanced SpeedBooster devices to the network. There’s also a built-in 4-port full-duplex 10/100 Switch to connect your wired-Ethernet devices together. Finally, the Router function ties it all together and lets your whole network share a high-speed cable or DSL Internet connection. The Wireless-G Broadband Router with SpeedBooster incorporates the next generation of Wireless-G (802.11g) networking. SpeedBooster technology is a compatible add-on to standard Wireless-G, which increases “real-world” wireless network performance by up to 35%. Unlike other speed-enhancing technologies, SpeedBooster is fully 802.11 compliant, and a “good neighbor” to other wireless devices and technologies, using a single 2.4GHz channel as specified by the official wireless standard. And, unlike other technologies, with SpeedBooster you’ll see an overall speed improvement even when running a mixed network of SpeedBooster and regular Wireless-G devices.
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